Thursday, April 14, 2011

10 Days to Go

So my countdown has officially started, I'm just over a week until I'm done here. Unfortunately I've also become incredibly busy at work so it's going to be a tough week, at least it should go by pretty fast. I've got my doubts though that I'll be able to get through everything that my boss wants me to get done before I go. Somehow for every problem I solve, two more pop up. That seems to be the nature of things around here though, nothing was done properly in the first place it was just hammered together well enough to get by. Unfortunately that means when you start trying to make improvements everything kind of falls down around your ears because it was only being held together with duct tape and shoe laces to begin with. I am continually amazed at the state of some things around here. We really would be better off tearing things down and starting fresh in a lot of cases.

So Scott will be leaving on Saturday and then Jim will leave on Monday. I'm planning on giving Jim my computer to take home with him because I don't really want to travel with it. Unfortunately that means I'll have to do without for my last week here. I guess I'll finally get to do some reading. Not that I haven't had the chance, I just haven't made the time.

So Dean (the billeting guy) dropped by my office again today to tell me I'd be getting a roommate. This is the third time he's told me that in the last week. The last two times never happened. I think this time I might actually get one though because when I got back to my room after work the second bed was made up and there was a new desk in the room. I thought I had actually walked into the wrong room. On the upside, Dean said that the guy he was putting in with me is just a "visitor" and he was only going to be here for three days. I think I can handle having a roommate for three days.

It's hard to believe it's been nearly three months now. Feels like I just got here.

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