Monday, April 4, 2011


Well yesterday was a pretty productive day for me especially considering it was my day off. I got a good sleep-in and then wandered over to get some brunch around 11am. After brunch I figured I would bake in the sun a little so I got changed and went up to the sun deck. There was already someone up there and we started talking. It turns out he was the billeting guy, a good Cape Bretoner named Dean. As we were chatting it came up that I was still in B-block and he said I should go see him after lunch to arrange my move to S-block. Perfect!

So I laid out in the sun for a bit and then went over to see Dean. It pays to be friendly, he gave me my new room key and although I technically have a roommate he'll be out on leave until after I'm gone. Even better!

So I got all packed up and Jim and Judy helped me move over to my new accomodations. They're pretty much identical to my old accomodations, just closer to work. Oh, and now I have wireless which is nice.

I did have a good laugh my first time through the bathroom though, they have these signs posted above the toilets.

Pooping. Yer doin' it wrong!

1 comment:

  1. Why didn't anybody tell me? way less splash! thanks nick.
