Saturday, February 12, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

So it’s been raining a little lately. We got about 25mm yesterday and we’re supposed to get another 50mm over the course of the day today. Now it really doesn’t feel like it’s been raining that hard but to put that into perspective, we get an average monthly rainfall in Ottawa of around 83mm in August (apparently our wettest month). That said, I’m not positive that the weather reports I’ve got are accurate… it’s been raining, but it's never been what I would call a hard rain. Either way, because the ground here basically consists of hard baked mud it doesn’t absorb much (or any) water and it all just runs off. The result is that we’ve got a bit of a flood going.

This really wasn't what I was expecting when I pictured Afghanistan.

Can you spot the backhoe?

The lake in the background is where they quarry fill material. It's about 20-25 feet deep and it's full.

Lots of fun driving in the puddles!

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