Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wheelin' Part Deux

Landmines? HA! That's not going to stop me. Steve and I found a couple new spots to go off-roading that are safe where we don't have a risk of getting blown up. Was it ever muddy! Was it ever fun! I liked it better than the wadi actually, we went to a pit they used to use for RC racing but it's full of water now so it isn't any good for that. What it is good for is getting messy! After that we went down to another spot on the south end of the base near a construction site. There were probably about 20-30 workers that had stopped working and just stood around watching us. Their heavy equipment operators even drove over and parked to watch, it was pretty awesome. 


During (a little later, a little muddier)


I can't see

Yes, there is mud on my teeth

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